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It is enough to say that these words express the larger hope, if fairly and fully understood

It is enough to say that these words express the larger hope, if fairly and fully understood


If then any do perish finally, God’s will and design must have been finally overthrown: it is obvious that a temporary resistance, permitted for wise ends, differs wholly from a final defiance of God’s will.

This dignity, impaired by the Fall, has been recovered by Christ the Son of Man

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They teach the absolute universality of Christ’s reign, which the repeated testimony of Scripture shows to be love and peace.

Here is an addition to that very large class of passages which speak of Christ’s kingdom, as destined to extend over all things, e.g., Eph. iv. 10 ;i. 10; Phil. iii. 9-11; Rev. v. 13, c. I have already shown that subjection to Christ means perfect harmony and peace, in the usage of the New Testament, see notes on Phil. iii 21, and 1 Cor. xv. 25. This remarkable passage proceeds to lay stress on Christ’s death, as embracing “every man,” v. 9 ; – the writer has already strongly asserted the dignity of man, and his vast inheritance, simply as man, v. 6-7. And it was right that Christ should suffer in fulfilling the Will of Him (God), for Whom are all things, and through Whom are all things,” v. 10, – all things whatsoever; words that authorize the widest hope, for God is the Goal of all creation. (See Rom. xi. 36.)

But the destruction of the devil, as holding the power of death, is quite inconsistent with the continuance of death and evil eternally.

We admit that a seeming failure there may be of God’s purpose: but no real failure is possible. What God’s immutable counsel is, we see in 2 Pd. iii. 9, where the original word translated “willing” is the same as “counsel” here.

Sin has intruded and caused an appearance of failure in God’s plan. Christ comes to sweep sin away. When will our opponents meet fairly credit union loan bad credit the dilemma, viz., Christ fails, or succeeds in His purpose. Continua a leggere It is enough to say that these words express the larger hope, if fairly and fully understood